1. Ship to ship Operation
Generally speaking, for the light duty ship to ship operation, two contact points are enough. But for the heavy duty ship to ship operation, 1 or 2 extra pneumatic fenders should be used to increase the safety. These fenders are used as the primary fendering to absorb the berthing energy, and keep proper stand-off distance between two ships. Meanwhile, two or more small-size fenders can be hung on the ship hull as the secondary fendering.
The pneumatic fenders should be hung by guy chains or guy ropes, which should be selected depending on the different size and weather condition. Evergreen-Maritime pneumatic rubber fenders are supplied with two end shackles that connect the fender body with guy chains or guy ropes.
2. Ship to Quay Operation
Pneumatic rubber fenders are often used for the ship to Quay operation because of its excellent performace. The typical installation type is like the follow figure.
The pneumatic rubber fenders are anchored with quay by the guy chain and shackles. Meanwhile, the pneumatic rubber fenders can be floated on the water surface depend on the change of tide.